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Ask your stylist for a level nine/10 white blonde tone with "diluted violet based toner or a very pigmented purple toning shampoo," Jewel suggestsHeyyy u shud flow to the hair dressers and get somew organic blonde intense lighs put in this might mixture in the white roots in with the traditional blonde or you're able to dye all your hair a colour of blonde yet i think of that the intense lights furnishings is the extra advantageous selection wish i helped and have exciting on your holiday dont worry approximately your hair ) solidIm almost to white when i bleached the color out of my hair Gonna keep it for a bit because i dont like ordering color without being able to look at swatches One more bleaching of my roots and it will be good!! Best Hairstyles For 17 18 Rita Ora S Almost White Platinum Blonde Hair Gives Off Major Cool Girl Vibes Flashmode Middle East Middle East S Leading Fashion Modeling Luxury Agency Featuring Fashion How to get almost white hair ...